Sunday, June 3, 2007


I have to admit that I have gained some valuable information in process of producing this blog. This information is valuable basically because our world is in great danger in the future, and the effects may be irreversible! I think that every body in the world should learn more about global warming and know how dramatic the world will be if no action was made to stop it. The world is in a threat, and to fight this threat, the whole world has to work together to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emitted to atmosphere and make the atmosphere go back to balance.

Some of the information I gained:

- Causes of global warming, and how it is processed theoretically.

- Effects on the world such as, increase in sea level, deforestation, etc.

- How to fight this threat.


Jaber Al Shamsi said...

yes Moh'd, really we have gained good information about global warming.

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