Monday, May 28, 2007

Global Warming and the UAE

Many countries around the world are currently being effected by the results of global warming, but countries such as the UAE and others in the middle east will be effected in the future if no action was taken to limit this world threat. The UAE can be considered as one of the countries that cause global warming, but to a smaller degree, mainly because the emissions produced come from automobiles, and construction only. Power plants in the UAE, which burn gases have been fixed so that no harmful emissions will be produced and let out to the atmosphere. The UAE is considered one of the countries that are implementing all the new technologies that can limit the emissions of excess gasses. Such technologies are the catalyst converters in cars, and many others in factories. In 2005, the government has banned importation of any ozone harming chemicals, which is considered a very brave and positive step towards helping the world fight against global warming.

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